Swallowed is a fictional story that spans the life of Mike Seaward, a fisherman in outport Newfoundland, Canada. An unemployed fisherman, he reflects back to his younger days when he loved and respected the sea. We follow Mike from his days as a young man in a community thriving on the ocean and it's great resources, to the current day, where most of the community has left due to the decline in fishing stocks, in search of a better more stable life. Mike is struggling with the thought that there is no future for him, not only in the virtually deserted community, but anywhere else. He must make a decision either to follow the rest of the community and accept government offers of relocation and re-education, or to follow his own family and be at peace with himself.
- Mike Wade
- Andrew Vokey
- Lori Heath
- Mike Daly
- Baptiste Neis
- Roger Maunder
- Justin Simms
- Up Sky Down Films
Production Companies
- Canada
Production Countries
- English