In "One Step At A Time," Rafael, a gifted writer grappling with a terminal illness, weaves an emotionally charged tapestry of enduring memories. Through vivid scenes of festive gatherings and driving lessons, he immortalizes his profound love, leaving behind a timeless legacy of inspiration and connection. Unbeknownst to his family, they become unwitting characters in Rafael's carefully crafted narrative, embracing a lifetime of joy even in his physical absence. The bittersweet truth unfolds, revealing the indelible impact of a life imagined, showcasing the resilience of love in the face of adversity.
- Luis Eduardo Pagan
- Sharie Lugo
- Mila Molina
- Ariana Lugo
- Sylvi Escoto
- The Creative Hub
- AAMS Film Studios
- Keep Walking Films
Production Companies
- Puerto Rico
Production Countries