A story centered around Lee, a young woman whose considerable charm masks an almost innate desire to destroy - especially when it comes to the man who loves her most, a struggling artist named Angelo. Unable to earn a living Lee Ann has found a way out, selling her babies whenever she finds herself pregnant. Caring deeply for children, Angelo is troubled by this, but is torn by his love for Lee Ann. It takes on a whole new dimension when he learns the strange and funny middle class childless couple that has agreed to buy Lee Ann's baby has a past more shocking than he'd ever imagined.
- Christian Leffler
- Danny Cistone
- Dalene Young
- Christopher Darga
- Laura Cayouette
- Robert Martin Carroll
- Patty Luna Ortloff
- Glenn W. Anderson
- Mojave Films
- Wee Dram Productions
Production Companies
- United States of America
Production Countries
- English