Set in an Indonesian suburban Middle-Class neighborhood, Udin’s Inferno, tells a story about 12 years old kid named Udin, who got traumatized after reading a comic book about a depiction of hell torture. In the book, Udin sees a very graphic and disturbing violent depiction of tormented sinners that haunts him throughout the day. One of the sinners in the book is a person who got a tattoo in his life. One of his friends mocks Udin, a tattooed person in the book is Udin’s father, a guy who got tattoos all over his body. Udin thinks if he can manage to erase his father’s tattoo, he can save him and his father from getting to hell in the afterlife. Udin tries all efforts to erase his father’s tattoo which he obviously fails. Udin cannot deal with his obvious failure. He got even more haunted by his own depiction of hell not only when he was awake, but also in his sleep. In the end, his fears and trauma turn into a nightmare.
- Muzakki Ramdhan
- Ibnu Jamil
- Bhisma Prasetyo
- Azam Al Aushafiy
- Fiandra Priadi Winata
- Yogi S. Calam
- Fajar Nugros
- IDN Pictures
- Tumaritis Cinema
Production Companies
- Indonesia
Production Countries
- Indonesian