Tariq Al-Ali
Biography of Tariq Al-Ali is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Tariq Al-Ali is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Her Excellency, Mum
As أحمد
As الحرامي
سوبر صطار
As (أبو سالم / أبو يوسف / كاظم الحلي)
بسنا فلوس
Matouk in Bangkok
As معتوق
If the camel falls
The danger is with them 4
Farhan and Zalaan the cousens
As فرحان
Oh slippery trail
اضحك مع طروق
Bu sara fil imara
As بو سارة
who knows knows
Besht Al-Modeer
The Guardian is the Thief
As عتيج المنقسي
يا ليلة ما تمت
Weld Batenha
Kharba Kharba
well said
As شليويح
Sharbeka Darbeka
Taah Makhroush
As لفتة / الموظف عادل / أم صالح
عاصفة الصحراء
As الضابط
عرب 2000
gargean Family
As مجبل
Heart For Sale
Gadha Wa Nus
As بوغانم
As خفيف
مسرحية كامل الدسم المسرحية
Kamel Al-Dasam
I will not live in my wife's robes
As غدار
What is true is only what is true
As بو دغيم
ليلة عرس رشدان
Antar Al Mufaltar
As عنتر
مخروش طاح بكروش
As ياسر عرفات / لفتة
saat zaman
As بوسعود
Below zero
As موسى
محظوظ ومبروك
As محظوظ
ليلى والغابة
Hababa wa Himarat Al Qayila
بسام في وادي السمك
As نقرور
The Sword Of The Arabs
As جندي عراقي/ فلاح عراقي / امرأة عراقية
Hide and Seek
London Apartment
Hello Cairo
Thursday & Friday
As خميس
Hello Bangkok
As المحامي خميس
Bousanad's House
The schmuck in London
Bakhit and Bakhita
Hareem Tariq
As طارق
As Hammoud Al-Madawi
Sulaiman Al-Tayeb
As بدر
A traveler without identity
As salem / Adnan
Tash Wa Rash
Saleh Under Training
Two hearted
Houses of snow
Bayt Abouna
Bo Marzouq
Exiting the abyss
Al-Mqasis Market
As دكتور نفسي
City Of The Winds
As نعمان
Open Sesame
As ملسون