Ella Gombaszögi
Biography of Ella Gombaszögi is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Ella Gombaszögi is currently unavailable from our data sources.
The Ugly Girl
As Bogdán felesége
The Dream Car
As Kerekes Anna
The New Relative
As Emma néni
My Daughter Is Different
As Gizi, Hubay Péter felesége
Ida regénye
As Julis
Pay Madame
As Poldi, házvezetőnő
A Train of Ghosts
As Mrs.Burns
Hazugság nélkül
As Melitta, társalkodónö
A Night in Venice
As Gizi mamája
Lovagias ügy
As Gizike
Pardon, tévedtem
A Night in Venice
Szent Péter esernyője
As Blanche,a nevelőnő
Miss President
As Berta