Hilda Gobbi
Biography of Hilda Gobbi is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Hilda Gobbi is currently unavailable from our data sources.
A Hungarian Nabob
The Black City
Nem szoktam hazudni
As Attila's mother
Story of My Foolishness
As Actress
No Love, Please
As Klári's mom
Professor Hannibal
As Vogelmayerné
Sweet Anna
As Etel
A Rainy Sunday
Stars of Eger
As Baloghné
The Lady is a Little Crazy
As Bolond
A nagymama
As Galambosné
Tök az adu
As Slezincsákné
Ein irres Feeling
As Julie's Grandmother
A helyseg kalapacsa
As Amazontermészetű Márta
Áll a bál
As Caroline bárónő
Másfél millió
Sparrows Are Birds Too
As Tolmácsnő
Suburban Legend
As Virágárus
The House-Warming
As Teri néni
Catherine' Marriage
As Kis mama
Boys From the Square
Junior Jr. Comes
As Beke néni
The Borrowed Castle
As lawyer Gruber's secretary
Közbejött apróság
The Sun Shines
As Mari Szűcs
Ferien mit Piroschka
As Katalin
Rabbits in the Cloak-Room
Honour and Glory
As Mommy
Mickey Magnate
As Nagymama
The Heir
The Money-Maker
Eternal Dance
As A Képmutogató felesége
Popcorn und Paprika
As Mrs. Schneider
The Talking Caftan
As Özvegy Fábiánné
As Malvin
The American Cigarette
As Vénasszony
The Music's the Thing
As Peppi néni
Red Ink
As Tóth Irma, matematikatanár
The Man of Gold
As Brazovicsné
A Hanákné ügy
The Football Star
As Özvegy
The Wizard
As Nagymama
Summer of Old Times
As Mimóza
A vén bakancsos és fia, a huszár
As Korcsmárosné
Kojak in Budapest
As Agatha Christie
Miért beszél annyit Mrs. Piper?
As Mrs. Piper
The Treasure of Swamp Castle
As Old Witch (voice)
Szépség Háza
As Tilda
A Bus Does Not Stop
Zwei Nasen tanken Super
Yes or No?
The Lady and the Gipsy
As Nagymama
Doctor István Kovács
As Kalaposné
Professor, Please...
Until the Day is Breaking
Martin Cuckoo
As Cseléd
Mattie the Goose-Boy
As Biri néni (voice)
Egy asszony elindul
A Strange Marriage
As Szimácsiné
Nyugati övezet
As Lotte
A Strange Mark of Identity
As Mama Sari
The Bridegroom Arrives at Eight
Egy gazdag hölgy szeszélye
As Baloghné Kiss Lujza 'Lajos'
Pár lépés a határ
As Anya
Eladó birtok
Csongor és Tünde
As Mirigy
Sári biró
Üzenet a Volga-partról
Sleepless Years
As Volone
Circus Maximus
Egy óra múlva itt vagyok…
As Késmárky Félixné
Nyolc évszak
As Klári néni