Valentin Bukin
Biography of Valentin Bukin is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Valentin Bukin is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Day Watch
As subway police officer
Golden Shoes
Burn, Burn Bright
No More Jokes!
I Love You, Petrovich!
As Human who hired guys to load the wagon
Разборчивый жених
Russian Ark
As Military Official
Window to Paris
You Are My Only Love
From Hell to Hell
Lost Paradise
And the Wind Returns...
Eight Days of Hope
As Белянкин, гл. врач медсанчасти
Hands Up!
Everything Will Be All Right
As Tuzov
Without Family
As Master of inn
As Войнов
Winter Cherries 2
Танцуют все!
This Scoundrel Sidorov
As Il'ya Muromets
White Dew
As прохожий (гражданин с детской коляской)
Klim Voroshilov-2 Tank
As Nikolai Bidenko
We Are Tenacious Lads
Сергеев ищет Сергеева
As Kastus Ivanovich
Whose Are You, Old People?
Bird Flight
Не забудьте выключить телевизор
Nomad Bus
As Максимыч (водитель автобуса)
Especially dangerous
As бандит Тюхин Павел
I Want To Go To Prison
As уволенный мастер (сослуживец Лямкина)
One Night Only
As Костя, посетитель ресторана
Summer Impressions of the Planet Z
As пожарный инспектор
The Great Tamer
As Valentin
The Fourth Planet
As Kolya
My darling asterisk
Killer's Seat is Vacant
A Lucky Man
Get Thee Out
Lucky Loser
As "ученик" поэта
Our Calling
Fairies' Autumn Gift
As The Conductor
Our Armoured Train
As толстяк, задира в ресторане
Personal Interest
The Wedding Is Accused
Through the Fire
Walruses Are Swimming
The Waiting Room
As Valya - pevets iz tsyganskogo khora
Highway Patrol
As Ivan Semyonovich
Empire is Under Attack
As Евграфий Петрович Медянников
Gangster's Petersburg
Russian Horror Stories
As Kozhemyakin
As Глотов
Musketeers Twenty Years Later
As Du Bertoua
The Life of Klim Samgin
As Tinker