Wiesław Cichy
Biography of Wiesław Cichy is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Wiesław Cichy is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Playing Hard
As Prezes Izby Lekarskiej
Włatcy móch. Ćmoki, Czopki i Mondzioły
As Various Characters (voice)
As Ambulance man
Little Moscow
As dozorca w szpitalu
As sekretarz powiatowy
Made in Poland
As Fazi
Birds Are Singing in Kigali
As officer
Feast of Fire
As Lena's father
If You Go Away
As prowincjał
The Heart and Sweetheart
As Sierżant Major
Nie ten człowiek
As Policeman
Afonia i pszczoły
As Soviet General
I'm a Killer
As Joseph
As Ksiądz
Deszczowy żołnierz
As Kapitan Leszek Stec
Solid Gold
As minister
The Border
As Generał Hupoł z Komendy Głównej Straży Granicznej
Into Deep Water
As polityk
The Defence
As Kazimierz Oryński
As 'Tata'
House Under the Two Eagles
The Bay of Spies
As Albert Forster
Czułość i kłamstwa
Doppelganger. The Double
As Roman 'Kałdun' Kłodowski
Gra z Cieniem
As Jakub Bartman