Georgiy Drozd
Biography of Georgiy Drozd is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Georgiy Drozd is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Marrying Death
As Tatarskiy - starshina
Perfect Crime
As Owen Banafonte
Twice Born
As von Betger - german pilot
Happy Birthday
As Valentin Petrovich Sedov
Частное лицо
As Сергей Сергеевич Тарасенко
As Anatoliy Stepanovich
To Award (Posthumously)
As Щербатый - главарь банды
Land, Poste Restante
As Lufthansa's pilot
Солнечный ветер
As Николай Николаевич Трегубович
Mushroom Rain
As Виталий Павлович
Magic Circle
As Клеменс Гуль - артист цирка
Last Year of Berkut
As Харбинка
Побег из тюрьмы
As Плессаков
The Birthday Present
As Каленик - тюремщик
We'll Be Back in the Fall
As Konstantin Sergeevich Privalov
Native mom, loved...
As aferist
The Price of Head
As Comello - investigator
Let's Play!
As «Шеф»
Hello, Gnat!
As Kochet
Sheriff's Star
As Бартолли
As Markov
Evenings on a Farm Near Dykanka
As Prince Potemkin
В Париж!
As полковник милиции
Red Pearls of Love
As врач-гинеколог
How to find the ideal?
As отец Маши
For No Apparent Reason
As Мещеряков, есаул
Katka and Shiz
As «Солист»
The Guidebook
Three Percent of Danger
As Major-domo
Sorochyntsi Fair
As tailor
Theatre Season
Warm Bread
Dark Waters
The ultimate reason for kings
As Jordan Lyman - President of the US