Emmy Burg
Biography of Emmy Burg is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Emmy Burg is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Anastasia: the Czar's Last Daughter
As Pflegerin Schwarzkopf
The Beaver Coat
As Frau Motes
Mylord weiß sich zu helfen
As Amely Chichester
As Stella Kinsale
The Blum Affair
As Therese
Vor Gott und den Menschen
As Anna Mechala
Confess, Dr. Corda
As Oberin
Das gab's nur einmal
As Sabine's Mutter
The Kaiser's Lackey
As Magda Heßling
Mädchen mit Zukunft
Glückliche Reise
As Tante Emilie
The Witch
Das Sonntagskind
As Meta Hubbelrath
The Miracle of Father Malachia
So war Mama
As Tante Sigrid
Berliner Antigone
As Frau Hofman
As Ida Wittkowski
Die preußische Heirat
As Frau von Holzendorf
Der Mann meines Lebens
As Frau Nörenberg
Der Revisor
As Frau Korobkin
An einem ganz gewöhnlichen Tag
Federlesen - Bilder aus dem Leben eines Einfallsreichen
As Frau Arlt
Das Donkosakenlied
Familie Bergmann
As Frau Schilling
Die Laubenpieper
As Käthe Lachmann