Olga Lysenko
Biography of Olga Lysenko is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Olga Lysenko is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Magic Night
Classic's Head
Lara Fabian - Mademoiselle Zhivago
As Danseuse de ballet
Szlachetna krew
As żona gospodarza
War Under the Roofs
The Green Van
As Сестра Красавчика
Three Funny Sessions
Saga of the Ancient Bulgars: The Ladder of Vladimir the Red Sun
As "Greek" Nun
Stepan Sergeich
As Vitaliy Igumnov's mother
The Green Van
As Marusya Tsymbalyuk
The Black Castle Olshansky
Certified: No Mines
As Olja
I Accept the War
Lyudi na bolote
Рассказы о юности
I've Bought Myself a Father
As Tonya Odintsova
Узники Бомона
As Станислава Добжанская
Мы с Вулканом
Fairies' Autumn Gift
As The Governor's Wife
I'll Take Your Pain
As дочь Шишковича
Sons Go Into Battle
As Vustya
Personal Interest
Жизнь и смерть дворянина Чертопханова
В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах)
As Валя (новела «Большая любовь Н.П. Чередниченко»)