Élodie Frégé
Élodie Frégé is a French singer and actress. She was the winner of the third season of Star Academy France. She released her self-titled début album after winning the show.
Élodie Frégé is a French singer and actress. She was the winner of the third season of Star Academy France. She released her self-titled début album after winning the show.
La Story Disney : La Magie Musicale
As Self
Trophy Wife
As Suzanne Pujol (jeune)
The Pink Soldier 2
Joyeux anniversaire Renaud
As Self
Renaud, souvenirs, souvenirs
As Self
Tous Inconnus
As ("Tournez ménages" segment)
Benjamin Biolay - Christmas Show
As Self
Piaf, Hymnes à la Môme au Beacon Theatre, New York
As Self
Star Academy 1, 2 & 3 en concert au Parc des Princes
As Self
Les copains d'abord font du ski
As Self
The Discreet Françoise Hardy
As Self
Bienvenue chez Aldebert
As Self
Star Academy - La saga des clips
As Self
Star Academy - La saga des clips (2)
As Self
La magie de Disneyland : Les plus grands secrets enfin révélés !
As Self - Host
M. Eddy & sa tribu
As Self
Allez viens je t’emmène dans les sixties
As Self
The Easy Way Out
As Julie
As Self
20 ans de la Star Ac : Le doc évènement
As Self
Starmania : l'anniversaire événement, les 45 ans
Salut les Terriens !
As Self - Guest
La Parenthèse inattendue
As Self
Victoires de la musique
As Self
La chanson de l'année
As Self
Our dear neighbors
As Héloïse
Tous en cuisine avec Cyril Lignac
As Self
La Main du mal
As Anna Schaffner
Piquantes !
As Self - Guest
Les plus belles comptines d'Okoo
Serial Lover
As Iris
The Masked Singer France
As Enquêtrice
Star Academy
As Self
N'oubliez pas les paroles - Primes événementiels
As Self
As Self
Chez Lolo