Sergei Kurilov
Sergey I. Kurilov (October 6, 1914 — January 11, 1987) — Soviet film and theater actor. Honored artist of the RSFSR (1958).
Sergey I. Kurilov (October 6, 1914 — January 11, 1987) — Soviet film and theater actor. Honored artist of the RSFSR (1958).
Убить человека
A Man Changes its Skin
As мистер Кларк
Great Citizen
Executed at the Dawn
As Prokuror
The Chairman
As Vasily Kochetkov
Kiev Resident
As Алексей Дорошенко - брат Леонида
Listen, on the Other Side
As Komkor
As Mikhail Vrubel
Man of Music
As Karl Brullov
The Dead Season
As Pavel Bocharov
As Belinsky
For the Power of the Soviets
The First Hour of Life
As Mereshkovski
The Siberian Woman
As Петр Кириллович
Youth Street
As Андрей Ильич Свешников, прораб
Two Lives
As General Polovtsev
Bonivur's Heart
As Markov
Leningrad Symphony
The Parasite
Without Prejudice
As Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay
A Span of Land
As Bryl
My Younger Brother
As Innokenty Petrov
The Last Sacrifice
As Bank Manager
A Big Family
As Viktor
As Lobovitch