Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
Laurent Duvernay-Tardif is a Kansas City Chief in the fall and a medical student at McGill University in the summer.
Laurent Duvernay-Tardif is a Kansas City Chief in the fall and a medical student at McGill University in the summer.
Laurent Duvernay Tardif - LDT : toujours plus loin
As Himself
Le Bal MAMMOUTH 2020
As Self - Guest
60 minutes avec Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
As Self
The Day Sports Stood Still
As Self
Silence, on joue!
As Self
J'ai une question
As Self - Host
Tout le monde en parle
As Self
En mode Salvail
As Self
Deux hommes en or
As Self
La tour
As Self - Guest
As Self
As Self
Rousseau's Show
As Self
Ça finit bien la semaine
As Self
Demande donc à Rosalie
As Himself
ALT (Actualité Légèrement Tordue)
As Self
Du Pain sur la Planche
Le Tricheur
As Self
Y'a du monde à messe
As Self
1res fois
As Self - Guest
Les suppléants
As Himself - Substitute
25 ans d’émotions
As Self
La soirée Mammouth
As Self - Nominee
Sans relâche
As Self - Host
Bye Bye
En direct du jour de l'an