Mikołaj Cieślak
Biography of Mikołaj Cieślak is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Mikołaj Cieślak is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Squared Love All Over Again
As Producer Krzysztof
The Advisors of King Hydrops
As Dioptryk (voice)
Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju -Trasasasa
Historia Polski Wedlug Kabaretu Moralnego Niepokoju
To musi być miłość
As Producent programu Wiktora
Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman
As German
No Pressure
As Investor
The Getaway King
Jak poślubić milionera?
Złoty środek
As Piotr
10 w skali humoru, czyli dekada Kabaretu Nowaki
Letters to Santa 6
As Staszek
Prawdziwa historia Listów do M.
As Staszek (archive footage) (uncredited)
Piękni i bezrobotni
As Gwidon
The Chairman's Ear
As Mariusz
Kowalscy kontra Kowalscy
As Hamlet Wołodyjowski
How to Become Crazy Rich in Eastern Europe
As German
Za marzenia
As Erwin Anielak
Słodkie życie
As Janusz
Ojciec Mateusz
As doctor Suchocki
39 i pół tygodnia
As herbalist
O mnie się nie martw
As Gorzelniak
Na dobre i na złe
As Tomasz
Ja to mam szczęście!
As Jarosław Klata
13 posterunek