Ivan Turchenkov
Biography of Ivan Turchenkov is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Ivan Turchenkov is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Beginning of an Unknown Era
As сотрудник губисполкома («Родина электричества»)
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears
As Shorty at Pub (uncredited)
The Bursa
War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky
As Russian Soldier
War and Peace, Part IV: Pierre Bezukhov
As Russian Soldier
War and Peace
As Russian Soldier
Andrei Rublev
As Man in the Hut (uncredited
War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812
As Russian Soldier
Incognito from St.Petersburg
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures
As пятнадцатисуточник, новелла «Напарник»
Seven Old Men and One Girl
As ограбленный инкассатор
Take Me With You
As скоморох Пискун (нет в титрах)
The Mysterious Monk
As монах
Looking for My Fate
As churchman (uncredited)
You to Me, Me to You
As watchman (uncredited)
Fun for Old People
As Dancing Man (uncredited)
Girl without an Address
Когда играет клавесин
The Homeland of Electricity
По следу властелина
As Селиван - охотник
Your Son and Brother
As Иван Степанович, селянин (нет в титрах)
As Jury member (uncredited)
The Limit of Possible
As охранник