Biography of Franz is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Franz is currently unavailable from our data sources.
I più grandi di tutti
As Armando
La terza stella
As Franz
Tutti gli uomini del deficiente
As Bigasso neighbor
Rosiko Show - Guai a perdere
Mi fido di te
As Francesco
Ale e Franz - È tanto che aspetti?
As Franz
Area paradiso
As Poldo
Un fidanzato per mia moglie
As Ernesto
Casanova's Return
As Uomo pronto soccorso
Soap Opera
As Mario
As Piercarlo
Aria Precaria
The Worst Christmas of My Life
As Il becchino
A Boss in the Living Room
As Preside
La grande prugna
As Controllore
As Leo Marri
Buona la prima!
As Franz
As Host (as Ale e Franz)
Mai dire gol
GazZelig - I comici dalla A allo Zelig
As Franz
A&F - Ale e Franz Show
Ale & Franz The Sketch Show
As Franz