Emmanuil Vitorgan
Biography of Emmanuil Vitorgan is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Emmanuil Vitorgan is currently unavailable from our data sources.
As Orlov
End of the World with Symposium to Follow
Anna Karamazoff
The Magic Lantern
Прерванный полёт Гарри Пауэрса
The Term. Beginning of a Big Story
As Self (uncredited)
As Kovrov
Operation Righteous
Radio Day
As Emmanuil Gedeonovich
Marta the Pious Woman
As Don Felipe
Записки Пиквикского клуба
The Large Trampoline
The Casket of Maria Medici
As Savigny
Happy birthday, Your Majesty
As Lord Understand
Sem Raz Otmer
The Codex of Disgrace
Until the Thunder Strikes
As zaveduyushchiy rayono
The Cutlass
As Nikitsky
Black Square
When the Saints March
Tanks Are Running on Taganka
As John Vasilyevich Brockhaus, former theater actor
And the Wind Returns...
Fateful Sunday
As Tschagin
Между нот, или Тантрическая симфония
Tactics of Long-Distance Running
As german officer
Adult Daughter of a Young Man
Investigator by Profession
As Viktor Lykin
Anna Firling's Roads
Human Target
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Fear and Despair in the Third Empire
As Franz Lincke
Six Degrees of Celebration 1914
As Rodstvennik
December 20th
As Lazarev
Big Little War
As Sirotinsky
The Star Inspector
The Scandalous Affairs of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon
As Street
Rabid Bus
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
As Jack, CIA general
Today and Tomorrow
As Дмитрий Савельевич Бажутин
Biographical Fact
As Саня
Before Dinner
As Николай Федорович
Despite His Advanced Age
As военпред Камышев
Пистолет Страдивари
As отец Никиты
As Dzhek Uestendeyl - zolotoiskatel' na Alyaske
As Dubravin
To Bring Out All the Truth
The Pathfinder
As Craig
Black Rose
As Colonel Gromov
As Николай
Dunno and Barrabass
Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog
As Boris Vasilyevich Zotov
Two People in a New House
As Владимир
He's All That
As Заварзин
Diamonds for Mariya
The Fortress
As Алексей Иванович Калитин (подполковник)
Bear Hunting
While the Dream is Mad
No One in Your Place
Идущие за горизонт
I'm Offering My Hand and Heart
The Ship of Look-Alikes
As FSB Colonel
The Moth
Театральный роман
As Gavriil Stepanovich
To Paris!
As russian general
Die Kolonie
The Scam
Долгий путь в лабиринте
As Иван Шагин
The Ghost Prince
Попугай Club
Emissary of the Foreign Centre
As барон Врангель
The Story of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut
As Теберж
Rudobel Republic
Однажды в Америке, или Чисто русская сказка
As Король - отец Макбука
Unexpected Joy
Halley's Comet
As Kesha
Mission in Kabul
As Yan Kalnin, first secretary of the RSFSR embassy in Kabul
King Lear
As Edgar (voice) / Messenger (uncredited)
Пункт пропуска. Офицерская история
As Yakov Solomonovich, lawyer
Хэлп ми
One at Home
As Viktor Petrovich Kovrov Зберегти переклад
Новогоднее чудо
The Rainmaker
Моя любимая ведьма
As Анатолий
Russian Rollercoasters
A Movie About Bandits
As Breslavec
Children of Arbat
As Шпигельглас
You Can't Wait
Beyond Death
As Silvestr
Black Room
Профессия - следователь
As Viktor Veniaminovich Lykin
Battle for Moscow
As комиссар Брестской крепости Фомин
Shore of his life
As Macton
Poor Nastya
As князь Пётр Михайлович Долгорукий
He's All That
As Заварзин
Secret For a Million
As Self - Guest
As Виктор Петрович Ковров, начальник мастерской волшебной древесины НУИНУ, магистр магии