Ivan Ryzhov
Biography of Ivan Ryzhov is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Ivan Ryzhov is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Торговка и поэт
По следу властелина
As Куфейкин
One True Love
Оставить след
Дикий хмель
Singing Russia
Hopelessly Lost
As Boggs
Heads and Tails
As Timofeich
Air Pirates
The Red Snowball Tree
As Иван Рыжов
As Petrovich
Dumas in the Caucasus
Wagtail's Army Fighting Again
As дед Елисей (старик со шрамом)
Crime and Punishment
As Тит Васильевич (рабочий)
First Printer Ivan Fedorov
As юродивый (нет в титрах)
Otstavnoy Kozy Barabanshchik
Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin
As Rasputin's villager
Magic Circle
As Дед Шишка
There Is Such a Lad
As заведующий нефтебазой
The Long Recess
As police major
Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding
As Gavrila Afanasyevich Rtishchev
Kashchey the Immortal
As озорной парень
Days of the Turbins
As Фёдор, камер-лакей гетмана
As Старший проводник поезда «Бийск-Москва»
Holy Moly!
Ivan and Marya
As Tsar
Rainbow Formula
As Петя
Three Days in Moscow
As Pyotr Semyonovich Stepanov
Romance for Lovers
As Vasily Vasilyevich
Where Are You, Bagira?
As Vasily Kuzmich
As Pplk. Biljutin
Ogaryova Street, Number 6
As Иван Косых - портной
Grandpa Is Good, But... Won't Say Where He's Hidden the Money
The Boy from the Schooner 'Columbus'
As Очерет
The District Secretary
As Uncredited
Air Crew
As Tamara's Grandfather and Timchenko's Old Friend
Tsar Ivan the Terrible
As sorcerer
Land and People
As Fireman
As Uncle Vynya
Включите северное сияние
As The captain of the port
Брат героя
As The driver
As отец Ипат
Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..
As Михеев, майор милиции
Apple in the Palm
As Shtan'kov - dedushka Very
Преступление: Нетерпимость
As Иван Прокофьевич Квитко
Comrade Nikanorova Awaits You
As Leopold Vasilyevich
Return of Budulai
As General Strepetov
The Petrukha Family
As гость
White Bim Black Ear
As Pal Titych
Easy Steps
The Green Flame
As Василий Степанович (командированный (роль озвучил другой артист))
The Coin
As молочник
Chapay's Eaglets
As Уграй (комиссар)
Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
As Shapkin
Everything Begins with Hitting the Road
As Емельянов Николай Авдеевич (член бригады)
Rasplyuev's Days of Fun
As Пахомов, дворник
As Shestyorkin
Incident in the Taiga
As житель охотничьего поселка (на собрании охотников)
Chuk and Gek
As член геологоразведочной экспедиции (нет в титрах)
Tale of the Siberian Land
As военный / посетитель чайной / диспетчер (нет в титрах)
The Inspector-General
As Свистунов (полицейский)
The Village Teacher
As гость Букова (нет в титрах)
The Frigid Sea
As Петруха
Sailor Chizhik
As матрос
A Tale of Lost Times
As Петрович (прораб)
Story of a Real Man
As больной в санатории (нет в титрах)
True Friends
As зритель (нет в титрах)
We from the Urals
As Иван Дмитриевич (кладовщик, сосед по общежитию (нет в титрах))
Peace to Him Who Enters
As комбат (в авторской версии фильма (нет в титрах))
The Blue Notebook
As крестьянин
The Maiden's Spring
As вахтёр на заводе
Come Here, Mukhtar!
As Рыжов (капитан милиции (нет в титрах))
Trust Me, People
As капитан милиции (завхоз в Большом доме на Литейном)
As эпизод (нет в титрах)
They Conquer the Skies
As flight inspector
Precious Gift
As experienced fisherman
It Happened at the Police Station
As Бубенцов (отец молодожена на свадьбе (нет в титрах))
The Little Runaway
As старшина Трофимыч
A Step from the Roof
As Казак Круговой
Call Me from Afar
As ded Savva
While the Dream is Mad
Zudov, You're Fired!
As Pyotr Stepanovich, Chairman of the collective farm
О друзьях-товарищах
Sea is Calling
Come Back to Baikal
As General Strepetov, Direktor Konezavoda
The Grey Illness
The Slowest Train
Dawns Are Kissing
Every Third
Bang, Drum!
As Петухов
The Sun, the Sun Again
As Горбов
Rats, or Night Mafia
As Ishin
Boy from the outskirts
Father Had Three Sons
Early in the Morning
As Дмитрий Дмитриевич
Private Aleksandr Matrosov
The Mire
As priest
The Uninvited Friend
As Petukhov
Alyosha's Love
As Volkov
On the Taiga Winds
As Матвеич
The Train Goes East
As passenger
As Churkin
A Hard Day's Monday
The Cat in the Bag
As grandfather Timonya
The Song of Manshuk
As Ivan Petrovich Samsonov
Incorrigible Liar
As Sergei Stepanovich
Wake Mukhin Up!
As senator / director / singing monk / storekeeper at St. Paul's Monastery
One of Us
As Osipov
As Vedyshev
A Cossack Galloped Through the Valley
Quiet Flows the Don
As Yermakov (uncredited)
Still Waters are Deep
A Weary Road
As Zhandarm
As Mokeich
As Gavrila
Дорога домой
Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tram
As Glavnyy redaktor gazety
Was There Karotin?
As Иоанн Городский
Poyga And The Fox
As Narrator (voice)
When September Comes
As генерал медицинской службы
As Стрепетов - директор конезавода
Возвращение Будулая
As Стрепетов - директор конезавода
The Long Recess
As начальник отделения милиции
As отец Ипат
To Remember
As Narrator
Long Road in the Dunes
As Mitriy Akimych