Ștefan Mihăilescu-Brăila
Biography of Ștefan Mihăilescu-Brăila is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Ștefan Mihăilescu-Brăila is currently unavailable from our data sources.
In the Dust of the Stars
As Xik
Bucharest Identity Card
As tovarășul Mateianu
Who Is Going to Open the Door?
As Tatal lui Ovidiu
With Clean Hands
As Buciurliga
A Police Inspector Calls
As Costache
Then I Sentenced Them All to Death
As Plutonierul Gociman
The Youth Elixir
The Secret of Bacchus
As Bumbescu "Bachus"
As Glovnicu
The Uprising
As Lupu Chiritoiu
Son of the Mountains
As Ciclopul
As Impresarul
Camera alba
As Ion Ion
Uncle Marin, the Billionaire
As Doe, sef de banda
Alarm in the Delta
As Smuggler Sisu
Beyond the Sands
As Gheorghe Jinga
Hurry Slowly
As Gripcă
Hello? Wrong Number
As Photographer
Titanic Waltz
The Prodigal Father
As Primarul
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
As The Forester
The Migrant Birds Are Coming
As Brăileanu
As Vali's father
The Duel
As Pricop
The Man Next to You
Snowfall Season
As Morogan
Two Men for One Death
As Master Sergeant
The Brothers
As Duță
The Moment
As Bădeală
Hazelnut Chocolate
As Scurteicaru
Romantic Destinies
As Zamfiroiu
As Ispășescu
The Teacher's Correspondence
Ora zero
As Sorin
Herodot's Mystery
As Segărceanu
The Major and Death
As Uncle
Alone Amongst Friends
As Gavrilescu
Gloria nu cîntă
Comoara din Vadul Vechi
As Prisac
Dănilă Prepeleac
The Hussy
Politica cu… delicatese