Yevdokiya Urusova
Biography of Yevdokiya Urusova is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Yevdokiya Urusova is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Jump From the Roof
As Agnessa Ivanova
Childhood. Boyhood. Youth
As The Countess (Grandmother)
Thunder Over Rus'
The Casket of Maria Medici
As Charskaia
Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood
As Grandma (voice) / Бабушка Тереза (озвучка)
Джентльмены из конгресса
Assuage My Sorrows
As Varvara Nikolayevna
We Are Men
Arbat Motif
As Vera Vasilievna
The Unseen and Unheard-of
На Гранатовых островах
Maigret and the Man on the Bench
As Concierge
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Chain Reaction
As aunt Sasha
Posle bala
Moral pani Dulskoy
As крёстная Ганки
The Brothers Karamazov
As Марфа Осиповна
Returned Music
The Life of Beethoven
Maigret is with the Minister
As konsyerzhka (v dome Puana)