Jan Priiskorn Schmidt
Biography of Jan Priiskorn Schmidt is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Jan Priiskorn Schmidt is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Friends at Arms: On Autumn Exercises
As Skoleelev
The Girl and the Playboy
As Orla - hjælper på skydebanen
Passer Babysitting Girls
As Peter
Dust for all the Money
As Henriksens søn, Klaus
Magic in Town
As Jan Berg
Kid Gang on the Go
As Jan Berg
Six Kids and the Honeymooners
As Jan Berg
Den rige enke
As Kaj - barnebarn af røgteren på Ellekær
Flemming and Kvik
As Søren, Flemmings lillebro
Sorte Shara
Venus fra Vestø
As Søren Severinsen
Death Comes at High Noon
As John Lindberg
Een pige og 39 sømænd
As Holger, messedreng
Flemming på kostskole
It's Nifty in the Navy
Peters landlov
As Thomas Berg
The Girl and the Press Photographer
Strike First Freddy
Summer in Tyrol
As Micky
Dust on the Brain
As Claus Henriksen
Six Kids and Their Uncle
Bedside Head
As Torben
Mine tossede drenge