Ferenc Bessenyei
Biography of Ferenc Bessenyei is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Ferenc Bessenyei is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Hail Days
The Black City
A Fond Farewell to the Prince
Guns and Doves
As Boda
Professor Hannibal
As Hannibál
A nagymama
As Örkényi Vilmos
A helyseg kalapacsa
As Fejenagy
I Lived under Thirty Two Names
A Hungarian Nabob
As Kárpáthy János
The Tragedy of Man
As Úr hangja
Másfél millió
As Igazgató
Be Good All Your Life
As igazgató
The Aga's Testament
As Csomai kapitány
The Brute
As Ulveczki Sándor
Summer Rain
As Miskei
The Storm
As Pörneczi Gáspár, Tsz elnök
As Dózsa György
The Match
As Kurucz elvtárs, megyei rendõrfõkapitány
Full Steam, Ahead!
The Other Person
The Sea has Risen
As Áron Gábor
The Golden Kite
The Bitter Truth
As Sztankó
A szerelem bolondjai
As Harter Nándor
As Latintanár
Zsaruvér és Csigavér I.: A királyné nyakéke
As Öreg színész
The Widow and the Police Officer
Beszterce ostroma
As Pongrácz István
As Horváth Böröcz
Just a Joke
As Barcsai
Faithful for Nothing
As Orvos
As Szabó Barna
Sunshine on the Ice
As Rezsõ
A Strictly Private Affair
As Vezérigazgató
As Turi
Underground Colony
As Strumpf
Light behind the Shutter
Young at Heart
As Varga, igazgató
Under the City
A Strange Mark of Identity
As Imre Szabó
Extinguished Flames
The Day of Wrath
As Ferenc Sós
Our Kid
As Director
Húsz évre egymástól
As Bálint István
Az arc nélküli város
As Colonel Vándor
A Strange Marriage Part 1
As Dőry báró
A Strange Marriage Part 2
As Dőry báró
A Strange Marriage Part 3
As Dőry báró
A Strange Marriage Part 4
As Dőry báró
Alba Regia
As Soviet major
Dreams of Love
As Vörösmarty
Lúdláb királynő
As Jerome Coignard abbé
The Black City
As Pál Görgey
Beszterce ostroma
As Pongrácz István
Egy óra múlva itt vagyok…
As Valkó Antal
the famous escapes
As Szalontay
A falu jegyzője
As Vándory