Nikolai Parfyonov
Biography of Nikolai Parfyonov is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Nikolai Parfyonov is currently unavailable from our data sources.
As Борис Петрович, председатель месткома
There's an Idea!
Сдаётся квартира с ребёнком
Человек на полустанке
No More Jokes!
As Prokhorov
Tears Were Falling
As Kuzyakin
Domestic Circumstances
Give Me a Complaints Book
As Иван Семёнович Постников
Romashkin Effect
As тёзка Ромашкин В.В. работник мебельного магазина
Seven Old Men and One Girl
As Сухов («старик», начальник Горкомхоза)
Two Comrades Were Serving
As Белый офицер
Maestro With Thread
Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation
As Official
Night Accident
As начальник колонны таксопарка
Never Guessed and Didn't Expect
As Housekeeper
Very Important Person
As Petryakov
The Chairman
As Klyagin - First Secretary of the District Party Committee
Olga Sergeevna
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
As Colonel Petrenko
Adventures of Krosh
As Director of the motor depot
The First Trolleybus
As Trolleybus' driver
Do Not Marry, Girls
A Puppy from the Constellation of the Dog
As sosed
We, the Undersigned
As train conductor
Traffic Officer
Investigator by Profession
Deniska's Stories
As отдыхающий на скамеечке в парке
Prince Udacha Andreyevich
As Илларион Северьянов
As Fyodor Afanasyevich - povar (as N. Parfyonov)
Inspector Losev
Taimyr Calls You
As разгневанный мужчина (ищет Фортунатова)
Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..
As Иван Грицаюк, сосед
My Husband Is an Alien
Earthly Joys
Children of Don Quixote
As Afanasiy Ivanovich
Three Minutes to Exactly
The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'
As Матвей Захарович - слесарь
Sincerely Yours...
As Novikov
The Evening Labyrinth
The Lesson of Life
Tailcoat for an Idler
Kysh and TwoBriefcases
As Бузукин Николай Иванович, заведующий лабораторией-вивария
Ау-у! (Киноальманах)
As житель деревни («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого»)
Diamonds for Mariya
Весенние грозы
Nylon 100%
As пациент Бадеева
Nerves... Nerves...
Streak of Luck
Devil With a Briefcase
Rodnye polya
As Ivan Makarovich
Самый последний день
Сохранившие огонь
Срочный вызов
My Anfisa
As head of SMU Chechin
Son of the Regiment
As Kuzma Gorbunov
No Fear, No Blame
As police captain
A Waiter With a Tray of Gold
Citizen Lyoshka
You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?
As сторож на кладбище
At Eighteen Boyish Years
As Петр Константинович, библиотекарь лётного училища
Races Without a Finish
Fun for Old People
As Andrey Andreyevich Apraksin
The End of the Lyubavines
As Yelizar
Летние гастроли
As Жгутиков, директор
Жизнь прошла мимо
As Pyotr Rabchikov (Ryaboy)
Fun of the Young
As Neighbor
Where Is Enohp Located?
As Фёдор Михайлович Голиков, отец Павла
As Averyanov
The Last Chance
As Nefyodov
Close Afar
As Bulanov
Beware of the Car!
As прокурор (нет в титрах)
The Communist
As communist (uncredited)
Incorrigible Liar
As passerby
It Began This Way...
As policeman
Двадцать лет спустя
Yesterday, Today and Always
Literature Lesson
As Пантелей Иванович, завхоз школы
Big "Wick"
As Иван (новелла « Дачурка»)
The Brothers Karamazov
As буфетчик
Olga Sergeevna
As Филипченко
As сослуживец Кудрявцева
Профессия - следователь
As Mironov - predstavitel ZHEKa
Inspector Losev
As Nachalnik okhrany na trikotazhnoy fabrike
As начальник поезда