Vyacheslav Nevinnyy
Biography of Vyacheslav Nevinnyy is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Vyacheslav Nevinnyy is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Четвертый папа
Дети лепят из снега
Misha's Anniversary
Three Sisters
As Vasiliy Lyubashkin
Murder of a Witness
Hedgehog in the Fog
As Bear (voice)
It Can't Be!
As Anna's Brother
День за днем
As Виктор Баныкин
How the Old Man Sold the Cow
As Narrator (voice)
The Greedy Rich Man
As (voice)
Promised Heaven
As Antisemit
Лоскутик и облако
As (voice)
How Longing Was Defeated
As sorceress Longing Green (voice)
My Dearly Beloved Detective
As Thomas Bull, Esq.
Investigation Held by Kolobki. The First Investigation
As Bulochkin (voice)
Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the century
As Bulochkin (voice)
The Old New Year
As Пётр Себейкин
Beware of the Car!
As автослесарь
Guest from the Future
As Vesel'chak U, kosmicheskiy pirat
Incognito from St.Petersburg
As Zemlyanika
Luxury Suite for the General with the Girl
Do Not Leave...
As King
The Garage
As Карпухин, научный сотрудник
It Happened at the Police Station
The Only One
As Zhurchenko
Four Winds of Heaven
Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov
As Sergeant Tarakanov / old railroad (voice)
The Career of Arturo Ui
Very Important Person
As Nedugov
The Chairman
As Pavel Markushev
Olga Sergeevna
The Purple Ball
As Громозека
Tale After Tale
Ruslan and Ludmila
As Farlaf
Big Boy
Funny People!
As Вася, гимназистский приятель
Do Not Marry, Girls
Бюро находок (Фильм 2)
As Павел Суслов (беглый солдат-большевик)
The Cabal of Hypocrites
Humpty Dumpty
As (voice)
Poem About the Ax
Streak of Luck
Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурика
The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants
As Иван Иванович Мизинчиков
Заседание парткома
As Олег Качнов (бригадир)
Alice in Wonderland
As White Rabbit (voice)
Трое на шоссе
As Сергей Пушкарёв
Dead Souls
As Sobakevich
As Nekhochukha the Great (voice) / Великий Нехочуха
The Wizard of the Emerald City
As Scarecrow
Lev Tolstoy
The Films of Yuri Norstein
As Bear (voice)
High Class
The Cage
As Hamster (voice)
As Kolya
Still Love, Still Hope
As Boris Zakharov
Third Time
As Savchuk
The Green Flame
As Vikharev
Clean Ponds
As sailor
Autumn Ships
As The Wolf (voice)
Ау-у! (Киноальманах)
As писатель Сеня («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого»)
I'm Sorry If You Can...
A Tale of Lost Time
As злой волшебник Михаил Михайлович
And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning
The Russian Field
As Fedchenkov
Heart Is Not a Stone
The Suicide
As торговец Пугачев
Самый последний день
Kitten from Lizyukova Street
As Kitten Vasily / Hippo (voice)
Frost Ivanovich
As (voice)
Rabbit and Fly
As The Fly (voice)
Sherlock Holmes and I
As Black Fuzz (voice) / крокодил-бандит «Чёрный пух», он же «Зелёный хвост», он же дворецкий
The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 2)
As Cat / кот, «новый хозяин» (голосовые эффекты)
As Little wolf / Goose (voice)
Cat's House
Late love
Passing Through Moscow
As Валентин (сосед Степана по гостиничному номеру)
Harsh Kilometers
You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?
As Петр Федулеев
The Best Road of Our Life
As Егоров
As Шишкин
Fun of the Young
As Shustrik
Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasov
As Кобылин
The Hat
As Vasiliy Tryoshkin
As Пиестро
Энергичные люди
As «Курносый»
Young People
As Semyon
Игроки XXI
The Communist
As worker (uncredited)
For the Matches
As Jussi Vatanen
The Seventh Companion
As Commandant
Rebellious Outpost
My Friend
The Policemen and the Thieves
As Slava - factory guard
Sweet Spring
Give Me Back My Rex
As Cruel dog owner (voice)
Underground Crossing
Dead Souls
So We Will Win!
Uncle Misha Bear
As The hare (voice)
Carrier Fish
As Fisherman (voice, uncredited)
How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas
As Narrator / Milk mushroom (voice)
Golden Feather
As King (voice, uncredited)
Khoja Nasreddin
Чудеса среди бела дня
As Coach (voice)
Oh and Ah
As Narrator (voice)
Oh and Ah Go on a Hike
As Narrator (voice)
Лев и 9 гиен
As Uncle hyena (voice)
As (voice)
В стране ловушек
As (voice) Тит
Следствие ведут Колобки
As Blochkin
Olga Sergeevna
As Вова Ромашко
Dunno in Sunny City
День за днём
As Виктор Баныкин
Chekhov and Co.
As Кирилл Трофимович Кондрашкин
The Return of the Prodigal Parrot
As Новый хозяин, кот
Guest from the Future
As Весельчак У - космический пират
Dead Souls
As Собакевич
Аліса в країні чудес
As White Rabbit (voice)