Vladimir Nosik
Biography of Vladimir Nosik is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Biography of Vladimir Nosik is currently unavailable from our data sources.
Courtesy Call
As Sailor Kazitsky
Dust Under the Sun
Three Years
I Promise!
No More Jokes!
Mr. President's Vacation
Three Sisters
Once Upon A Time There Was A Brave Captain
The Most Charming and Attractive
As Sysoev
Guest from the Future
As ded Pavel Poloskov
The Elevator Leaves on Schedule
As Semyon Finkelshtejn
Dangerous for Your Life!
Mister Perrichon's Trip
The Purple Ball
As Волшебник
Inspector Losev
Tactics of Long-Distance Running
As Michal Adamchik
There Were Three Bachelors
Five Minutes of Fear
As Белянчиков (майор милиции)
Russian Detective
As Anatoliy Papik / Maikl Smit
Sudden Release
American Grandpa
As русский внук
Mishka in the North
Entrance to Labyrinth
As Spirkin
This Merry Planet
As Валерик - «Звездочёт»
What Senka Said
The Secret of the Notebook
As Captain Verevkin
Three Hundred Years After
As Vasily Ivanovich Trevilyov
Dangerous Friends
Without a Collar
Don't Come Without the Son
Black Prince
As Костя Журавлёв - оперативник
Женский день
Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...
As Виктор Иванович Матюшкин (новелла «Урок»)
Children Patrol
Accused of Murder
As Vyacheslav Shkut
Dark World
As Sergey Rudolfovich
As Igor Otkalenko
Under the Roofs of Montmartre
The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablyov
We're Sitting Good!
As тележурналист
Zvyozdnaya komandirovka
The Extraterrestrial Women
Kysh and TwoBriefcases
As Сергей, студент
You and Me
As Kolka
Три дня вне закона
The Smile of Melometa
He's All That
As Пилипенко
Prosecutor's Jubilee
Nephew, or Russian Business 2
As Vladimir
Diamonds for Mariya
How to Become Happy
There Was a Tuner
Король манежа
Зачем человеку крылья
Impatience of the Soul
Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective
As Длинноволосый
Fulfillment of Desires
An Umbrella for Lovers
Let's Wait with the Anniversary
As Иван Булыга
Самый последний день
Срочный вызов
Short Waves
The Sun, the Sun Again
As Киря
Street Without End
As Viktor
The Perfect Wife
Person of French Nationality
Loaded with Death
As Гришка
Иначе нельзя
Что у Сеньки было
The City of First Love
As Lieutenant
Rock'n'Roll For Princesses
As Lom, Educator
The Ocean
As Zadornov
Cinema About Cinema
Fun for Old People
As Fedya
Уйти, чтобы остаться
When September Comes
As слесарь Гена
A Job for Real Men
The Enchanted Tinderbox
As Belozyor
Squad "D"
Thy Will, O Lord!
Entrance to the Maze
As Spirkin - sledovatel
Последняя минута
As Жора Наливахин
As Stepan
За всё заплачено
As бандит "Дуся"
The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce
As Lomer - policeman
Inspector Losev
As Igor Otkalenko
Do krwi ostatniej
As (w napisach: Władimir Nosik)
Rare Blood Type
As дед Тихон
Guest from the Future
As Дед Павел
He's All That
As Пилипенко
Village Romance