Watch 1962: The War In The Hills



1 season



,Action & Adventure


In the Sino-Indian War, 126 Indians defended a strategic pass against 3,000 enemy soldiers. This was a battle of dauntless courage, fought to the last bullet.


1.Hindi Cheeni Bhai Bhai?

February 26, 2021. 40 min

In 1962, Major Suraj Singh of the K Regiment acquires critical intelligence from the border. Meanwhile, the soldiers in his unit deal with friendship, love, rivalry and marriage.

2.Love and War

February 26, 2021. 40 min

India learns about China's expansionist plans. Back in Rewari, a love triangle implodes when Radha chooses Kishan over Karan.

3.1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Backward

February 26, 2021. 40 min

While India goes ahead with the Forward Policy, the Chinese depute Major Lin to lead their offensive. At the same time, Rewari is all set for Sepoy Gopal's wedding.


February 26, 2021. 40 min

Suraj's meticulous planning bears fruit when they recapture Tooka Post. However, the victory is short-lived and the situation goes downhill.

5.Independence Day

February 26, 2021. 40 min

Hardham takes an extreme step to seek justice for Gopal. Later, when Radha's parents decide to fix her marriage to Karan, Jaya spills the beans about Kishan.

6.At War

February 26, 2021. 40 min

Hardham takes an extreme step to seek justice for Gopal. Later, when Radha's parents decide to fix her marriage to Karan, Jaya spills the beans about Kishan.

7.Road to Shaksa La

February 26, 2021. 40 min

Major Khattar sends C Company to Shaksa La, and the only way to reach the post is on foot. Soon they realise that courage is not enough to manoeuvre the difficult terrain.

8.Battle Strategy

February 26, 2021. 40 min

Knowing her secret, Suraj refuses to leave Shagun, but she convinces him to go to Chuhul HQ. Moreover, no one but Suraj believes the Chinese will attack from Shaksa La.

9.The Last Stand

February 26, 2021. 40 min

Radar returns injured and bloody to Chuhul HQ and recounts the events that took place in Shaksa La. Back home, Jaya and Shagun have to fight their families and their demons.

10.Escape to Victory

February 26, 2021. 40 min

The ceasefire is declared at a heavy cost. The soldiers' families mourn them, but Radha believes Kishan is alive. Meanwhile, Rinpa sees someone unexpected at the Chinese camp.
