Watch Idris Elba's Fight School
|1 season
|1 season
April 17, 2022. 59 min
Idris has scoured all four nations for his recruits, whittling down hundreds of applications before selecting his chosen team. Now it's time for Idris and the Fight School coaches to meet their first ever intake – eight young people determined to throw themselves into Idris's life-changing experiment for the next five months.
April 17, 2022. 59 min
Idris's squad face their first test: sparring three rounds against an opponent who won't pull their punches. It's only a taste of what's to come, but as lack of fitness and focus become apparent, Idris begins to realise the extent of the life changes all eight will have to make if they're to stand any chance in their big final fight.
April 17, 2022. 59 min
Four weeks in and the next trial fight is looming. Idris needs to see a massive improvement across his entire squad, but first he's faced with a difficult decision as 29-year-old Sophie's injury takes a turn for the worst.
April 17, 2022. 59 min
There's a shock when Idris finally reveals to his team who they'll be facing in their official amateur fights. As the big night draws closer, he arranges a training session with ex-convict turned world-record-breaking rower, John McAvoy, who inspires with his own heroic story, before challenging them to an epic race on the Thames.
April 17, 2022. 59 min
Idris's team have their most intensive training session to date when they are put through their paces by the formidable British Army's elite boxing team, but 29-year-old Chanika struggles with the imposing opposition.